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Difference Makers at the GSU MAX Awards

Modo Modo Agency

February 27, 2009

It was great fun attending the 2009 Georgia State University MAX Awards today. Congratulations to our customer Southwire for being recognized for innovation with their product SureSeal.

The event was at the Georgia Aquarium. I have to say drinking your coffee while watching a Whale Shark float by is indescribable and unforgettable.

Whale Shark

Whale Shark

To get a flavor of it, check out the Georgia Aquarium Ocean Voyager Webcam here.

When I arrived at the breakfast I realized the speaker was a football coach. This usually puts me on the outside of a message because I don’t see the world as a sports metaphor. After the breakfast…I may be a believer in this sports metaphor stuff.

The speaker, Bill Curry, a SuperBowl Alumni who played under Vince Lombardi and Bobby Dodd and coach of the new GSU Football Program snatched us out of our seats pretty immediately. And he talked about what I care about…NEVER, EVER giving up. He talked about those that take challenges in stride and distinguish themselves from the whining masses. He called these people difference makers.

Look around you and when you see people grasping at straws or flogging the dead horse, stop them. Encourage the group. Stand up and help someone around you up while you’re at it. Set a goal and start moving toward it. Be PERSISTENT.

I am committed to making a difference for myself, my team and my clients in 2009. Be a part of the group that takes the mountain. Get your upbeat tools ready. Some of ours are:

•    Business plans that focus on building around your strengths
•    Positive affirmations
•    An upbeat playlist on your iPod or in your car
•    Team members that are focused on getting the other half of the water in the glass

Tell us, what is on your Difference Maker list?