How do you keep an audience engaged? It’s tough to keep people interested. Why?
- INFORMATION OVERLOAD. It’s no longer measured in impressions, it’s measured in gigabytes. J. Walker Smith at a recent AMA Atlanta lunch told us we’ve gone from tens of thousands of daily impressions (or 3 GB) in 1980 to over 33.8 GB daily.
- 60% of B2B SALES CYCLES ARE GREATER THAN 4 MONTHS. That’s what MarketingSherpa’s new 2011 B2B Survey says. We’re living in an instant gratification world where careers launch and die in under a quarter. We often plan campaigns with a 1 to 2 month arc. That’s how the people we sell to are wired, but it’s not how the SALE/BUY we’re furthering is wired. We need to reconcile that contradiction.
There are a whole bunch of other reasons it is hard to have a meaningful dialogue. What is meaning to you? What is meaning to them? How into you are they? What do you want to happen? And how do you get them to ask, “And then what happened?” That’s engagement. It’s the first step to a relationship with customers, partners, prospects, employees, you name it. Make sure you thinking about, talking about, planning and taking the right steps.
- For help positioning yourself and selling yourself over the long haul, email us: info@modomodoagency.com
- For more on J. Walker Smith, check him out at the Futures Company here.
- For the free Executive Summary of the Marketing Sherpa 2011 B2B Study, launch the PDF here.