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Talent by any other name

Modo Modo Agency

September 16, 2014

And so we find ourselves, like our clients in a period of growth. A period where unique talent is the elixir to our rapid and successful expansion. Years ago I was told that to grow any organization you must be able to grow it from average, run of the mill people. Scale requires an ability to find average, available people and assimilate them. That is not good enough for us.

Like anyone I’ve worked with over the last 25 years, we believe the people that will contribute to our growth are special. That is good and bad. It means our ideals and criteria are high and specific. It means our pool of candidates may be limited. Like many agencies before us we may find a low common denominator with which to run up our growth. That is NOT the Modo Modo way and that is not the way we will grow.

Over the next few months we will be adding talent to our pool that is a hybrid of agency, consulting and client-side B2B expertise. We know you don’t grow on trees so we will take the time to find you. We are blessed to be in a position to find the diamonds in the rough, the unique talents that have had unique experience across multiple industries or the people ready to burst from their cocoons like a luna moth.

If you are drawn to the light, if you consider yourself above average, if you want to be challenged in ways traditional agencies do not offer, drop us a line. Modo Modo Agency is blossoming. Account managers, account executives, developers, information architects, copywriters…let us know you’re out there. Be a part of the next phase of your own evolution and ours.